Where does Happiness come from?
I have a problem with the word ‘Happiness’, it means such different things to different people and is therefore very hard to describe. It also tends to be very illusive, as it comes and it goes and it comes and it goes again. So whatever you do to make yourself happy it will still not be under your control. Perhaps using different words for happiness at different times would lead to more realistic expectations about achieving it. For example, excitement or contentment, energised or peaceful?
Another interesting thing about happiness is where it comes from. Recent scientific research has shown that 50% of our happiness levels are pre-determined by our DNA, so we’re stuck with them. Only 10% of our happiness levels come from the things we spend our time and energy on, such as our job, our family, material objects and our health. The remaining 40% is achieved by how we choose to see the world and our attitude to life’s events.
This could explain how some people can still remain happy despite their misfortunes, and why others who choose to look at life from a negative perspective, don’t.
It also suggests that if we want to be fulfilled and satisfied in our lives then we need to focus more on our emotions, feelings and attitude to life. Then we would have the greatest chance of being truly happy.
Where does Happiness come from?