What Confidence Coaching Can Do for You!
As a coach, I see my role to be about creating a safe and comfortable space for clients to explore aspects of their career and lives. So they can see things from a different perspective and overcome their issues and self-doubts.
If you asked me what I thought you would get out of confidence coaching, without knowing your personal challenges I’d say:
- You’ll see yourself more clearly. Research has shown that it’s difficult for us to see ourselves with real clarity. You could be assuming what others think about you and labelling yourself based on your inner critic. I’d help you to develop real self-awareness, which is essential for you to be effective and fulfilled in your career and life.
- An objective perspective. As a coach I offer the opportunity to give you a different perspective on situations and individuals without the baggage of being close to you or being involved in any judgement on your career or life choices. Changing your perspective can really reduce the pressure and anxiety you put on yourself.
- Change mindset habits. We all fall into habits of behaviour and mindset that we may not be able to see or change. A confidence coach has strategies and techniques to help you identify and overcome them.
- Feel supported and challenged. I believe my job as a coach is to play different roles according to the individual and the situation. I can be a supporter, cheerleader, challenger, thought interrupter and trainer.
- Achieve results quickly. You may feel you can or ought to be able to make these personal and professional changes yourself. But as a coach I can ensure you not only achieve your goals in weeks rather than years but can go on to sustain those changes.
As a client of mine said about her Confidence Coaching Programme:
Jo the programme has EXCEEDED my expectations. I expected tips and strategies but what it’s also given me is a total CHANGE of MINDSET. I’m calmer, braver and curious rather than stressed or intimidated. I’m optimistic that these changes will stay with me, thank you”
Susannah, London
Life can feel hard work at times with the pressures that we and society put on ourselves. If you’d like to step off the hamster wheel and take some time to reflect on where you are now and what you’d like to be different.
Then you can book a free Discovery Call with me at www.speakwithjo.com
Live confidently and courageously,