The Art of Self-Promotion (without being a bragger!)
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Before I talk about the ways in which women sabotage themselves at work. I want to make it clear that there are multiple reasons why women are held back in their career. Their own mindset is only one of them. It’s also true that of all the clients I have worked with across…
As you’re reading this you probably think you’re a people pleaser. If so, then you are one of the nicest and most helpful people around. People count on you to help out at work and with family and friends. But … it can be a very unhealthy pattern of behaviour. From…
Use This Personality Test For Ideas On Careers, Relationships And Friends I use a personality test with many of my clients when we are building their self-awareness. I’ve found it helps them understand more about ‘why they behave like they do’ and gives suggestions of potential careers that would suit them. The Meyers-Briggs…
Beach Body Confidence It’s that time of year again when wearing your shorts, bikini and swimsuit, mean that more flesh than usual is on display. Being body confident means accepting that you’re ‘good enough’ whatever your shape and size. A little extra boost can help though, so read on. Research, including that of Amy Cuddy…
I’m sure we can all think of someone we know who just seems to ooze confidence. Who seems comfortable in all situations and doesn’t appear to be nervous or self-doubting. What is it that determines how confident a person is? Confidence is multifactorial. The biggest influencers on your confidence levels are; your genetics,…
The issue of women’s confidence at work has had so much discussion in the last few years. For example an American report in 2014 said that when women start working for a company, although 43% aspire to be in senior management, only 27% think they have the confidence to do so. After 2 years…