Is Your Head Full Of Thoughts That You Can’t Switch Off? Try This Simple Exercise
This type of thinking can be described as worry, which is when we are overly focused on a particular issue or problem. How we worry is either positively, to try and find a solution and take action, or negatively when we become trapped in the thoughts and don’t do anything to resolve the issue.
Alternatively it could be anxiety which is that feeling of panic or dread that something is going to go wrong. Stress is again slightly different in being the bodies physical reaction to a perceived threat, a hangover from our primitive response to danger of ‘fight or flight’.
There are many self-help books and articles that have suggestions on how to manage any of these thoughts and behaviours. However if you’re looking for a quick and simple change that you can put into place effectively for just one minute a day, then try the following exercise.
Mindfulness has it’s background in Buddhism but is a rapidly growing practice found to be therapeutic in many areas of life but particularly with stress and worry. It was defined by Kabat-Zinn in 1994 as:
“paying attention in a particular way on purpose in the present moment , and non-judgementally.”
The exercise is Mindful Breathing Awareness, I find it easy to do and can be done anywhere as it takes only 1 minute. It enables you to learn how to bring your thoughts back from distractions to the present moment and so feel calmer and relaxed.
- Sit with your back straight and neck and shoulders relaxed
- Close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing, just noticing it rather than trying to change it. Saying ‘in’ and ‘out’ in your head can help
- Notice any sensations or feelings
- Your mind will drift to thoughts, every time it does bring your mind back to your breathing
- The purpose is to be able to regularly pull your thoughts back to the present moment not to have a clear mind
Practice this exercise for a minute a day and I’m sure you will find a difference. I also find it effective at night if I’m struggling to sleep.
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Is Your Head Full Of Thoughts That You Can’t Switch Off? Try This Simple Exercise