Confidence Coaching Blog
What Is Self-Worth And How Do I Know I’ve Got It?
There are four key words often interchanged when we talk about confidence or how we feel about ourselves. These are self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth
My Recommended Resources for Confidence and Positivity
I’m often asked by clients and my lovely readers for recommendations of books, blogs and websites around Confidence and Positivity. So this week I’ve
How To Stop Judging Others And Have Confidence Instead
How much of your time do you spend judging others? I’m ashamed to say, that as much as I think of myself as a kind and
5 Reasons Why Failure Is Essential For Confidence
When we see other people’s successes, it can be tempting to believe that it came easily to them. Or that it was our bad luck
Avoiding The Great Expectations Of Xmas Day
Do you have great expectations of Christmas? Do you see the warm and snuggly adverts of happy families and believe your Christmas will be just
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions And Have A Confident New Year
We’re running up to the final few days of 2017 now, where did it go! However your 2017 went I’m sure you’re looking forward to
6 Ways To Cope With Overwhelm And Stress
Are you familiar with that sickly feeling of anxiety when you’ve got a long list of urgent things to do and you don’t know where
Why Asking For Help Shows Confidence
When you imagine yourself as a really confident person, what does that look like? Does it mean your loud, gregarious, independent and self-contained? Or could
The Truth About Why You Behave Like You Do
Do you ever wonder why it is that some people love parties and others get anxious at the idea of them? Or why your partner