Confidence Coaching Blog
4 Ways To Stop Taking Things Personally
If you heard your colleagues whispering would you assume it’s about you? When your boss is in a bad mood do you worry it’s something
3 Ways To Set And Keep Your Personal Boundaries
Sophie had been taught by her parents, teachers and society to be a ‘nice girl’. To be polite, treat others well and avoid upsetting anyone.
How I Confronted My Workplace Bully – Eventually!
According to research, workplace bullying is four times more likely than sexual harassment at work and is an issue for both men and women.
3 Small Changes To Make You Sound More Confident At Work
Only 7% of any message we want to communicate comes from our words, so we need to make sure that we sound more confident at work.
4 Steps To Having A Difficult Conversation
Having a difficult conversation is an issue that came up with a couple of my clients this week and got me thinking about how I deal
How To Have Fantastic Confidence In The Workplace Even If you’re Not An Extrovert
A recent survey of women’s confidence in the workplace (MyConfidenceMatters) revealed that the key confidence worries women have are: 1. Asking for a pay rise
How To Have A Grudge Amnesty And Start Letting Go
Be honest we’ve all had a grudge or resentment that we cling onto, analyse and allow to spiral out of control. Whether it’s the
32 Ways To Build Your Confidence
As a Confidence Coach, you’d expect me to have a lot of ideas about how to build your confidence. But I’ve never thought about listing
Are You Afraid Of Success?
How would you answer the question: “Are you a success in life?” I know many people who would say that they are not successful;