Confidence Coaching Blog
4 Strategies To Build Your Confidence On A Bad Day
Thursday was a bad day for me. Firstly, Albie our Cocker Spaniel saw the postman before me as we left the house.
How To Have Career Success Even If Your Introverted Or Shy
Do you like to reflect and think through an opinion before giving it? Do you feel uncomfortable speaking up in work meetings as you
New Year Same You?
The tradition of making new year resolutions has a well documented history. For example the Babylonians made promises at the start of the year to
A Client’s Story In Her Own Words
My fabulous clients put in real commitment to make huge changes in their careers and lives and as a result achieve amazing results. Today I wanted to
5 Things To Make Your Christmas Less Stress-mas
Christmas is getting close now and can you feel your blood pressure rising and your chest tightening? It’s that time of year when we’re
5 Strategies For Female Leaders – To Feel Recognised, Valued and Fulfilled
Even though women today are in leadership positions they never dreamed of being in 60 years ago. Women still have challenges when a they are
What’s Your Personality Type?
Use This Personality Test For Ideas On Careers, Relationships And Friends I use a personality test with many of my clients when we are
Are The Stories You Tell Yourself Draining Your Confidence?
When my first marriage broke up I told myself that marriages only fail if you’re a failure or you haven’t been good enough.
The 6 Things Confident Women Don’t Do
I’m sure we can all think of someone we know who just seems to ooze confidence. Who seems comfortable in all situations and doesn’t appear to