Confidence Coaching Blog
10 Signs You’re a Chronic People Pleaser—and How to Stop
Are you too accommodating in your daily life—so much so that it’s actually a hindrance to your work? Well, you might be a people pleaser.
4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Career – And How To Change It
You might be surprised to hear that in a survey of professional workers only 43% said they were satisfied and happy at work.
The One Behaviour That Will Kill Your Fear Of Failure
Behind any person’s lack of confidence is a FEAR of some form. A fear that wants to keep you small and to stop you stepping
The One Reason You’re Not Speaking Up In Meetings
Have you ever had that creeping feeling of dread in a meeting, when the time is ticking by, the discussion is moving on and you
The One Powerful Secret To Not Being Ruled By Other People’s Judgement
Judging others and making comparisons between yourself and them is a natural human behaviour. But, if you take other people’s judgement of you as
How To Deal With An Undermining Colleague – Claire’s Story
“To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide
5 Ways To Overcome Perfectionism And Achieve Excellence
I’ve written blogs about perfectionism many times before as it’s a common trait of many of my clients When we explore challenging their perfectionist
20 Triggers Of Women’s Low Self-Confidence And 20 Ways To Boost It
A study of women’s confidence commissioned by vitamins, minerals and health supplements firm Healthspan was announced this week. The study was reported in the
The Art of Self-Promotion (without being a bragger!)
Last week I did a presentation for Lean In with Vodafone on The Art of Self-Promotion (without being a bragger). The lovely audience