Confidence Coaching Blog

5 Ways To Speak Like A Leader
My favourite speech maker is Winston Churchill. He might not have been the best at articulation but he made up for it with his ability

How To Speak Up Courageously At Work
Malana Yousafzai was only a teenager when she spoke up for education for girls. That sort of courage is very rare, but we can still speak

7 Ways To Smash Your Virtual Presentation
Glossophobia or the fear of public speaking is very common. In fact, some experts estimate that 77% of people get anxious at the thought of

Beat The Time Thief! – How To Stop Procrastinating
I’m starting to write this week’s blog at 5 pm on Saturday knowing that my weekly email to my readers goes out tomorrow. It’s not
Get Noticed And Promoted In 2021
Introducing… “The Get Noticed And Promoted” Online Programme The ‘Get Noticed And Promoted In 2021’ Programme is an online programme aimed at providing world-class training for
The Easiest Way To Stop Being Perfect And Start Being Good Enough
I was talking to a client this week about her ‘perfect’ expectations of herself and others. As we explored her pefectionism more, she recognised how
HOW DO YOUR COACHING PROGRAMMES WORK? 3-month Confidence Transformation Programme This is my most popular programme and has enabled all my clients to achieve amazing
Are You A Rescuer, Persecutor Or Victim At Work?
As you’re human, it’s highly likely that in some situations at work you have played one of these roles a rescuer, persecutor or victim. This
3 Exercises To Start Building Your Self-Worth
If you’ve read my book Good Enough you’ll know from the first chapter that we are all born with innate self-worth. All babies are equal