5 Tips for Working Mums
As a working mother myself, I can empathise with mums who feel they haven’t got the balance right between work, family and goals. This goes along with a constant feeling of not doing any job as well as you would like to.
So here are some of my top tips to feel better about yourself:
- Drop the guilt. No one could do it all and having that guilty feeling doesn’t help any of you. Identify what specifically the guilt is about and make a plan to improve that issue.
- Stay in the present. If you’re working and feel you should be with the kids or with the family whilst work sits waiting. Then focus instead on what you are doing at that moment, being in the present will help push those thoughts aside.
- Set realistic expectations. You may feel you should put the kids to bed every night but why not make an agreement with yourself to achieve that twice a week and stick to it. You will feel happier and the kids will learn the routine.
- Learn to say No. It may feel good to join the PTA or help out in school, but you need to prioritise your time. It’s okay to say no without repeatedly apologising or justifying yourself.
- Remember yourself. Mums often put themselves bottom of the list and this can lead to stress, anxiety and a feeling of resentment. So ensure you build some ‘you time’ into your week, every week. I’m sure the ironing can wait!
So you have any tips you could add to the list?
5 Tips for Working Mums