4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Career – And How To Change It
I find those figures quite shocking.
From my research and work with thousands of women I’ve found the key thing that makes people negative about their career is the constant chasing for greater achievement and reward.
The mistaken belief that when you’ve reached success and you’re recognised for it you will be happy. This leads to stress, anxiety, a fear of failure and low self-worth, and not surprisingly unhappiness in your career.
This self-sabotaging behaviour has 4 key mindsets behind it, which are:
- A need for power, money or status
It’s understandable to associate career success with these 3 elements, society tells us that. However if you also define yourself and your worth by these you are heading for a never ending crusade that will lead to disappointment.
My Tip: Gain clarity on what career success actually means to you. Is it to always be challenged and stretched, or to reach a seniority where you have influence or perhaps to have respect and add value whilst ensuring a flexible balance around your family? Spend some time exploring this to find out what success is for you and maybe you’re there already?
2. Perfectionism
Do you have a real fear of making a mistake and give yourself unrealistic expectations? This need to be perfect isn’t the positive motivator that many women think it is. It’s actually a trap that stops you being productive, creative and inspirational.
My Tip: Change your focus from a fear of not being perfect to a drive for excellence. Excellence is being outstanding or extremely good, and still allows for mistakes. It means you are on a learning journey of development and innovation to achieve it.
3. Window Dressing
By this I mean showing the world your flawless self, how everything is wonderful and your life is just great (think Facebook). You may not want to share all your problems at work but hiding behind your invulnerable mask will stop people trusting and building rapport with you.
My Tip: Develop self-awareness of your perceived flaws and recognise that by showing them sometimes your vulnerability and authenticity will make you far more inspiring and trustworthy. None of these traits are fatal flaws and accepting they make up the whole you is a first step.
4. People Pleasing
This is the consequence of allowing other people’s opinions to have greater influence than your own. You are allowing your perceived status and success to be determined by others rather than your own self-acceptance. Society gets to decide your self-worth rather than you and that can lead to bad decisions such as keeping quiet about harassment or spending too many hours at work.
My Tip: This comes back to self-awareness and working out what is actually important to you. Is it essential your boss thinks you’re the best or that you’re liked by everyone at work? What would really make you happy?
If you recognise yourself in any of these mindsets and know that you self-sabotage then you will find my latest free training webinar very helpful. Just click the link below
‘The 4 Steps To Get More Impact and Recognition At Work Without Being Bossy or Pushy”
Jo x